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Oklahoma Estate Attorneys, PLLC.

J. Haynes

“When my father died, I was executor of his estate. I hired a lawyer to help me through probate, but unfortunately that lawyer proved to be incompetent and I needed to find another attorney.

Then an acquaintance told me of Terrell Monks. I hired Mr. Monks to finish the process of probate and was very happy with the decision. Mr. Monks handled everything very professionally and efficiently, and despite the circumstances I can say it was actually a pleasant experience, especially when compared to the mess caused by the bungling incompetence of the first attorney I’d originally hired.

Going through probate taught me that I should have an estate plan for myself, so my family will avoid unnecessary problems after my death. I asked Mr. Monks to establish a trust for me, and he very patiently explained the process and did all the paperwork required. I learned that trusts are not only for wealthy people, but also for ordinary people like myself.

Since that time I’ve had to make some modifications to the original trust, and once again Mr. Monks did all the work necessary to update the trust and ensure that my estate will be handled in accordance to my wishes.

It gives me a lot of peace of mind knowing that when I die, my family will avoid many of the unnecessary complications of probate, because of the trust Mr. Monks set up for us.

I would recommend Terrell Monks to any of my friends and family who need legal services. I’ve been very satisfied with the work he’s done for me.”

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Oklahoma Estate Attorneys, PLLC offers extensive experience and expertise in Estate Planning, Family Estate Planning and Probate matters.

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