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Oklahoma Estate Attorneys, PLLC.

How Much Does An Estate Planning Lawyer Charge?

How much you pay for the services of an estate planning lawyer will vary depending on the complexity of your situation.

Your attorney may charge a flat fee when he or she can quickly assess your needs and know what type of estate plan you require. Your estate planning attorney will take your financial status, family situation, and other factors into consideration and come up with a fee. This can be as little as $500 to $1,500 in some cases, but of course, could go higher.

If your situation is more complex, then your attorney may charge you an hourly rate. On average, experienced attorneys may charge $250 to $400 per hour to prepare more sophisticated estate plans. When charging an hourly fee, your attorney may ask you to provide a retainer before starting work on your case. A retainer is a prepayment of fees that the attorney will draw from as they work on your case.

Most estate attorneys will offer free consultations so you can discuss what you need and get a sense of how much their services will cost. No matter what type of payment arrangement you decide on, be sure to get it writing.

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Oklahoma Estate Attorneys, PLLC offers extensive experience and expertise in Estate Planning, Family Estate Planning and Probate matters.

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